Friday, October 9, 2009

Staying healthy and avoid the flu, clean the surfaces we neglet the most

What you can do to avoid getting the flu this season by wiping down the things we touch the most and clean the least.

Cleaning these high traffice surfaces can be your best defense in keeping your family healthy.

Use pre-moist towelettes for disinfecting surfaces. Use several and remember to clean from the top down.  Start with your toilet handle first then do the seat. Never retrace your steps with the same wipe, don't re-wipe the handle after you have cleaned the seat. Use one towelette for all the door handles in you house and a fresh one for all the light switches.
Don't forget these high traffic surfaces:
  • keys, 
  • fridge door handles,
  • remotes,
  • light switches, 
  • cell phones, 
  • keyboards (use caution and follow manufactures care instructions when cleaning electronic devices), 
  • toaster switches, 
  • can openers and
  • microwave oven keypads. 
Some things are not practical to clean like money. But use an anti-bacterial product after handling money or giving your card to store employees to swipe.

Tip: if you do work handle plastic cards please do not put them to your mouth. While checking into a hotel in Indio, California, the employee helping us used my card to cover a burp.  Normally I'm not squeamish but I took it back by the edges and if it had not been my main form of payment for the rest of the trip, I would have burned it, but I did douse it with antibacterial product careful to avoid the magnet strip. Needless to say after we saw our room and the breakfast bar, we checked right back out!

Wash your hands before you eat. I keep several antibacterial products handy in the car to wash my hands when I buy fast food, I can't resist eating french fries in the car on the way home.  I also use them after I buy gas.

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