Sunday, October 11, 2009

Avoid the flu at work

Staying healthy at work.

We spend the majority of our time at work.  We work in enviorments that are out of our control. While we want to be healthy, we also don't want to be know as the germaphob of the company following everyone around with a can of lysol.

Tips to stay swine flu and cold free at work.

Surfaces you can easily disinfect at work:
  • phone,
  • headsets,
  • door handles,
  • pens and,
  • keyboards.
Break any bad habits you have of putting pens into your mouth. I catch myself chewing on the end of a pen so be aware.

Sneeze into your elbow. It use to be the norm to cover your mouth with your hand but know it is a no-no. Cover your mouth with the crook of your arm. Or use a tissue.

Breath some fresh air.
Get outside. Take a walk around the building. Indoor pollutants are usually higher in buildings plus the added exercise will refresh your mind and body. Even short strolls will relive stress, increase blood flow and burn calories. Try it before you reach for caffeine, sugar or utube.

Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
Wash your hands and use soap. The recommended is 20 seconds. (I don't know why some people don't)

Since you can't bring a vaporizor to work.

Drink something warm. Herbal tea is great at work. Especially if you run cold. The hot vapors off your steaming mug of tea will help open sinuses and hydrate membranes. Plus the hot mug will warm up cold hands.

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